

Change of Status (COS): Inside the U.S.

To apply for a change of status to F-1 status in the United States, you must be officially accepted to 赌钱app可以微信提现 and have obtained an I-20. You are required to submit certain documentation to U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)在美国申请F-1身份.S. 状态变更的处理时间从几个月到一年不等. Verify processing times on the 美国入籍与移民服务局网站. IISS建议咨询移民律师的COS资格(见 American Immigration Lawyers Association). 一旦您申请,请通知IISS任何USCIS收到,批准或拒绝通知.

If your change of status in the U.S. to F-1 has been approved and you plan to travel outside of the U.S., you must apply for an F-1 visa to be able to come back to the U.S.

在您的身份变更申请悬而未决期间旅行将导致USCIS拒绝. Consult your immigration attorney before you travel outside the U.S.

Change of Status: Travel/Re-entry

通过在美国境外旅行,申请将身份更改为F-1身份.S.你需要被赌钱app可以微信提现正式录取并获得I-20. Once the I-20 is obtained, you may depart the U.S. and attempt to apply for a U.S. 签证邮票. If the 签证邮票 is approved, you may attempt to enter the U.S. 处于F状态. Once entry is granted, you hold F-1 status.

Change of B-1/B-2 Visa Status to F-1 Status

B-1/B-2身份签证持有人在获得F-1身份变更批准之前,不允许参加学习计划. 建议持有B级签证的学生在入学后90天内参加赌钱app可以微信提现的录取程序. You should 不 enter with a B-1/B-2 visa and plan to study in the U.S. 立即.

Change of J-1/J-2 Visa Status to F-1 Status

任何持有J-1/J-2身份的人,如果“有两年的居住要求”,就没有资格从美国境内申请改变身份为F-1.S. Consult with their program sponsor.

Required Steps to Be Admitted to 赌钱app可以微信提现 and Receive Form I-20


对学术英语(EAP)课程感兴趣的学生需要在秋季或春季开始课程. This is due to course availability and sequencing.

If you are NOT from 一个 of the following countries, 作为赌钱app可以微信提现入学的一部分,您需要达到最低英语语言能力标准:

  • 英联邦加勒比地区(不包括多米尼加共和国、海地和荷兰群岛)
  • English-Speaking Canada
  • 联合王国
  • 澳大利亚
  • 南非
  • 新西兰
  • 爱尔兰共和国

This may be d一个 by submitting 一个 以下内容中的一个 IISS@flcoastline.com:

  • Unofficial* transcript from an accredited U.S. college or university documenting completion of:
    •  12个或以上学时(非esl课程),累积GPA不低于2.0
    • 相当于赌钱app可以微信提现的英语106(写作入门),成绩达到C或以上
    • 相当于赌钱app可以微信提现英语121(作文一)C级或以上.

      *You will later be required to submit an official transcript 致赌钱app可以微信提现招生.
  • ACT English sub-score of 19 or higher (email to iiss@flcoastline.com)
  • 托福考试 score of at least 57 (must be less than two years old; email to iiss@flcoastline.com)
  • 雅思考试 score of at least 5 (must be less than two years old; email to iiss@flcoastline.com)
  • Accuplacer ESL score of at least 89 (test in the 赌钱app可以微信提现检测中心)
  • 证明您已在上述英语国家接受教育(至少三年)并毕业的文件(电子邮件记录至iiss@jccc).edu).

Please be aware that your score on the 托福考试, 雅思或Accuplacer考试将决定你是否必须在赌钱app可以微信提现学习之前参加学术英语(EAP)课程. 

进入: 托福考试 雅思考试 ACCUPLACER
Regular college credit classes 托福考试65分或更高 6或以上 115或更高
English for Academic Purposes (Level 4)
新托福61 - 64 5.5 102-114
English for Academic Purposes (Level 3)
iBT年度 5 89-101

请填写 Certificate of Finances form and submit it online. 此表格将帮助您确定您需要展示的资金金额,并指导您上传相应的文件. 你必须证明你或你的经济担保人有足够的资金来支付一学年的学习费用和生活费用, 也就是24美元,670.  提供银行对账单或其他官方银行信件/文件,时间不超过6个月,并包括资助你教育的人的姓名.  请参阅 acceptable proof of funds page 欲知详情. 在与政府官员(国务院)互动时,财务文件应是最新的, Customs and Border Protection, 等.) 除了银行文件外,您还将被要求上传 Financial Sponsorship Agreement Form (PDF),以及 Room and Board Sponsorship Form (PDF) 如果适用的话.

如果您正在处理I-20级别的变更,以成为攻读学位的学生(在完成EAP课程之后), you will be required to verify updated financial documents.

联邦法规和哪个app可以赌足球的政策严格限制了国际学生可获得的经济援助类型. 大学招生政策要求国际学生(持有F-1和M-1签证的学生)有足够的资源来支付他们的费用. Students with these visas are 不 eligible for federal student aid. Scholarships are 不 generally available. Off-campus employment is 不 authorized. 出于这些原因, 所有F-1学生必须提供证明,证明有足够的货币资金来支付他们在赌钱app可以微信提现的教育和生活费用.


学费 $5,688
书籍/供应 1560美元(估计)
住房/餐 9780美元(估计)
个人支出 6050美元(估计)
Accident/Illness 保险 1592美元(估计)
总计 $24,670


赌钱app可以微信提现 is in Overland Park, KS, a residential suburb of Kansas City. 像大多数社区学院一样,它在校园里没有宿舍或住房. 通常, 由于欧弗兰公园的公共交通有限,学生们在社区安排自己的住房,并开车前往校园. For more information about housing go to Housing in the Community.


If you plan to come to the U.S. 与F-2相关, 你将被要求为你的家属提交文件,并额外增加5美元,000 (USD) per dependent to your bank documents. F-2签证持有人可以非全日制学习(每学期不超过11个学分).

电子邮件 iiss@flcoastline.com 毕业证书复印件, 证书或任何其他官方文件,表明你完成了中学教育,并有资格在你的祖国接受高等教育. 文件必须翻译成英文,并附在原始文件上.  文件确实如此  need to be translated by a professional translator. 

Send a copy of your passport information page to iiss@flcoastline.com.

对于任何类型的签证,是不符合资格的学习之前改变身份为F-1批准, complete these additional tasks in order to enroll: